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Food Assessment Standardised Tasks (FAST) gives an overview of, and practical support for, assessment within food education at Key Stage 3.
FAST not only explains the theory and practice of food education assessment, but comprises standardised tests and tasks for Years 7, 8 and 9 which can be immediately embedded into your curriculum. It combines teacher CPD with classroom resources. FAST is a new resource developed and written by Louise T Davies and Roy Ballam.
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View sample resources - click here! 📎 FAST - Samples.pdf
FAST comprises two main elements:
1) Teacher CPD - training for your professional development, focusing on the theory and practice of food education assessment:
Assessment 101, types of assessment and theory of learning
Food and nutrition assessment principles and content
Food lesson assessment, including practical work
Developing good worksheets and tests
The CPD training is supported by a comprehensive teachers guide. Presentations and teacher videos bring the training to life. Not only could this be used for your own CPD, but could also be used for department/faculty training.
2) Assessment resources - resources for use in the classroom, the standardised tests and tasks for Years 7, 8 and 9 which can be embedded into your curriculum:
a differentiated 'food' learning framework for Key Stage 3, i.e. what will be taught at each Year, which acts as the basis for assessment (which can be used to audit what you teach)
baseline tests for Years 7, 8 and 9, helping you understand pupils' previous relevant knowledge
‘Learning journals’ for pupils in Year 7, 8 and 9, allowing them to record what they learn (as well as tell you what they already know and can do)
a Food equipment proficiency worksheet
differentiated standardised written tests for the end of Year 7, 8 and 9 learning – multiple choice and open questions, with marking guides (in WORD, PDF and PowerPoint formats)
differentiated standardised practical tasks for the end of Year 7, 8 and 9 learning, with presentations, pupil booklets, marking sheets and recipes (in WORD, PDF and PowerPoint formats)
a ‘question and answer’ bank (multiple-choice and open questions), for you to use to build your own tests - just cut 'n' paste
certificates, featuring the Food Teachers Centre logo for external recognition.
FAST ...
provides advice and practical solutions for addressing assessment in food education at Key Stage 3, giving advice on what could be taught and therefore what should be assessed
comprises differentiated standardised tests and tasks to use with Years 7, 8 and 9 (in Word, PDF & PowerPoint formats)
is editable, so you can make it your own
supports your professional development, providing practical tips and assessment resources that can be used directly in the classroom to support your teaching
comprises online training, which can be taken at any time (and is available for access in the future), plus assessment resources which can be used directly in the classroom - saving you time. A certificate is provided on completion.
is cost effective, as professional development training and assessment resources to use with pupils are provided
is currently 50% off the normal cost until the end of December 2023.
is produced by the Food Teachers Centre, a trusted source of information, support and training nationally, which is actively used by over 8,700+ teachers.
This course is for everyone involved in teaching food and nutrition at Key Stage 3 - from early career teachers to those that are experienced.
It provides a theoretical framework to assessment in food education, as well as giving practical tips and resources to implement in the classroom.
The training comprises:
The FAST Cademy training course includes:
a) Teacher CPD
1 x Main Guide (WORD and PDF)
1 x Food learning Framework (WORD and PDF)
1 x Qualification Pathways document (WORD and PDF)
8 x FAST course training modules (PPT, Video and note sheet)
13 x Teacher case studies (Videos)
1 x Action planning sheet (WORD and PDF)
b) Assessment resources
3 x Baseline tests (Year 7, 8 & 9 – WORD and PDF)
3 x Baseline tests answers (Year 7, 8 & 9 – WORD and PDF)
3 x Baseline tests PPTs (Year 7, 8 and 9)
3 x Learning journals (Year 7, 8 and 9 – WORD and PDF)
1 x Food equipment proficiency worksheet
9 x End of learning tests (Year 7, 8 and 9, three levels – WORD and PDF)
9 x End of learning test answers (Year 7, 8 and 9, three levels – WORD and PDF)
9 x End of learning tests PPTs (Years 7, 8 and 9, three levels)
3 x Recipes (PDF, WORD and PPT)
1 x Practical guide (WORD and PDF)
9 x Marking sheets (Year 7, 8 and 9, three types – WORD and PDF)
3 x Practical test pupil workbooks (Year 7, 8 and 9 – WORD and PDF)
3 x Practical test PPTs (Year 7, 8 and 9)
2 x Q and A Banks (Multiple choice and Open questions)
3 x Certificates (Year 7, 8 and 9 – WORD and PDF)
provides advice and practical solutions for addressing assessment in food education at KS3
shows the different forms of assessment that can be used, providing examples and links for further information
gives advice on what should be taught in Key Stage 3, and therefore what should be assessed
comprises differentiated standardised tests and tasks for Years 7, 8 and 9 (in Word, Pdf & PowerPoint formats)
has a range of support materials and online training
is editable, so you can make it your own – using it in your planning and teaching
supports teachers' professional development and training – a certificate of completion is provided.
It supports your professional planning – especially related to pupil learning, assessment and progression.
It provides practical tips and assessment resources that can be used directly in the classroom to support your teaching.
The package comprises online training, which can be taken at any time (and is available for access in the future), plus it provides lots of relevant resources which can be used directly in the classroom and save you time. A certificate is provided on completion.
It is extremely cost effective – proving professional development training, templates to use in your planning and management, and teaching materials to use with pupils.
It forms part of your professional development plan, focusing on high quality teaching and learning.
There is currently 50% off the normal cost until the end of November 2023.
It is provided by the Food Teachers Centre – a trusted source of information, support and training nationally – actively used by over 8,700+ teachers.
By using the FAST training, you will be better informed about:
assessment in food education at Key Stage 3
assessment types, formats and uses
creating better worksheets, tests and tasks
opportunities you can take to enhance your food teaching for all
reviewing your Scheme of Work and assessment procedures in place
the resources provided.
You will be able to use its presentations, tips, videos and resources to support your food and nutrition work in school. Use the information provided and ‘make it your own’ to support your school and pupil needs. Presentations, tests and tasks are editable.
You will have a range of standardised tests and tasks to use with your pupils, as well as access to the Learning framework which you could use to audit and update your SoW/SoL.
Next steps for you may include: