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On-Demand course
10 hours
The Food Science Tutorils for teachers delivers food science theory in bite sized units with a focus on the practical food room, it provides a wealth of food science teaching resources and offers guidance and materials to support food investigation work in the classroom.
Training outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:
● Explain the working characteristics, functional and chemical make-up of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and raising agents
● Apply food science facts to a wide range of food commodities to enable better food teaching
● Define and apply practical food science strategies to create a higher challenge classroom ● Select and confidently use food science teaching resources especially with GCSE FPN classes
● Develop a secure understanding of food science investigation work in KS3 &KS4
Why this course is useful
● For teachers who teach and support food activities at Key Stage 3 and prepare students for GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.
● Teachers who are new to food, Early Career Teachers or D&T teachers without food knowledge will gain essential knowledge and improve their competence in teaching food and its applied science.
● Experienced teachers who may wish to check their knowledge and refresh the way they teach food science.
What training standards are met?
No3. Teaching the Curriculum
No 5. Teaching Food Preparation and Cooking
No 6. Designing Making and Evaluating food
Standards are from the government framework: Food teaching in secondary schools: A framework of knowledge and skills
What teachers say
“The slides are all really clear and detailed, and I would want to use them in my teaching.”
“The scientific explanations about the functions of foods during food preparation were very useful and helped improve my teaching.”
“Such a good resource! Amazing to have this.”
“I found it easy to replay sections to consolidate my learning and felt secure knowing I had constant access to the training room.”