Booking options
On-Demand course
20 hours
GCSE Boost – improving grades 1-4
About this training
This online course focuses on how to support lower ability learners and improve their performance in GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. It provides intervention strategies and ideas that you can implement immediately with Y10 and Y11. We cover all boards AQA, EDUQAS and OCR. Presented by Louise Davies and Jacqui Keepin (Drew). In addition, there are regular live presentations/Q&A that you will be invited to.
Training outcomes
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
● Identify and apply strategies to support lower ability learners
● Develop intervention strategies
● Recognise common SEND issues and how learners can be supported
● Evaluate differentiation strategies and their use
● Develop and implement strategies for independent learning
● Formulate ways in which to engage learners and prepare them for written examinations
● Produce an intervention plan to assist learner performance.
Why this course is useful
The training will provide effective professional development by giving:
● Personalised guidance and information on the structure and implementation of the specification
● Practical ideas to help with teaching and assessment
● Relevant content that relates to the subject specialism skills and knowledge
● A focus on essential content – knowledge organisers, targeting and simplifying
● Questioning techniques to build knowledge and understanding
● Guidance on how to group students for support, but also depth and challenge
● Tools that help the content stick, making learning fun
● Strategies to use to build confidence and independence.
What training standards are met?
No.3 Teaching the curriculum
No.4 Managing practical food lessons
Standards are from the government framework: Food teaching in secondary schools: A framework of knowledge and skills
What teachers say
“Every bit of the training was delivered excellently.”
“Amazing course! They just keep getting better!”
“Such well-planned training with consideration given to delivering courses to SEND learners.”
“The presenters were very approachable and friendly.”