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Training to teach BTEC Home Cooking Skills

Training to teach BTEC Home Cooking Skills

Booking options




  • On-Demand course

  • 20 hours

  • All levels


Training to teach BTEC Home Cooking Skills Level 1 & 2

About this training

Training outcomes

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

● List the requirements for assignment writing and assessment

● Explain the assessment, internal verification and standardisation process

● Plan and create schemes of work that meet the needs of all learners

● Review and evaluate examples of schemes of work for learners with SEND

● Discuss access arrangements and reasonable adjustments for SEND

● Review suitable recipes that can be used when teaching the qualifications

Why this course is useful

● Personalised guidance and information on the structure and implementation of the specification

● Relevant content that relates to the subject specialism skills and knowledge

● Time to experiment, refine and embed new ideas in classroom practice

● Support from experienced trainers/teacher practitioners and other experts

● A collaborative approach

What training standards are met?

No.1 Teaching the curriculum

No.4 Managing practical food lessons

No.7 Promoting and applying nutrition

Standards are from the government framework: Food teaching in secondary schools: A framework of knowledge and skills

What teachers say

“Thank you, it really has removed some worries about the course.”

“Thank you for clarifying so many things for me! Appreciated.”

“Thank you so much, some great assignment scenario ideas which I would have found really useful when I started out.”

“Thank you all so much for the sessions and the resources and advice you have provided! It has been really useful!”

Course Content

Section 1 Welcome
  1. Introduction
  2. Links to live online meetings
Section 2 What is BTEC?
  1. A quick guide to BTEC
Section 3 New to teaching BTEC HCS?
  1. Top Tips and an overview
Section 4 Roles and Responsibilities
  1. School Exam Centre Roles and Responsibilities
  2. Awarding Body (Pearson) Roles and Responsibilities
  3. Activity - check in with your BTEC team in school
Section 5 Getting started with BTEC HCS
  1. A quick outline to get you started
Section 6 Delivery of BTEC HCS
  1. Successful Delivery of HCS
Section 7 Planning to support low attainers and SEND
  1. Common SEND and how these can be supported
  2. MLD and slow working students
  3. Accessible Cookbooks
  4. Dyslexia
  5. Dyspraxia
  6. ADHD
  8. Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration
  9. Activity - meet with your SENCO
Section 8 Assessment of BTEC HCS
  1. Assessment model and exemplar brief
  2. A teacher's view of the assessment process
  3. Assignment writing/ teaching economising
  4. Assignment Writing - step by step
  5. Assessment paperwork
  6. Activity - time to write and submit your assessment plans
Section 9 Internal Verification and Standarisation
  1. The process of internal verification and standardisation
Section 10 Timelines and Deadline
  1. Course timeline
Section 11 Useful Resources for teaching the course
  1. Example Schemes of Work
  2. Resources : Workbooks and Assessment plans
  3. Facebook Discussion Group
  4. Using Food a Fact of Life resources for HCS Level 1
  5. Using Food a Fact of Life resources for HCS Level 2
  6. Recipes
  7. Activity - assemble your teaching resources
Section 12 Case studies from Teachers
  1. Liane Summers (L1-2 mainstream school in Wales)
  2. Jeanette Stewart (Level 1 course, with speech, language& communication challenges)
  3. Jill Oliver (teaching HCS alongside GCSE)
  4. Claire Moulton (teaching in a SEMH Educational setting)
  5. Sharon Hoy (Teaching students with complex needs)
  6. Karen Ryder and Kate Robinson (Teaching HCS to students with SEND)
  7. Cindy Barton Teaching HCS at a PRU
  8. Jenny Holt (moderate and severe learning difficulties)
  9. Silvia Trabucchi Teaching the BTEC HCS (for profoundly deaf)
Section 13 FAQs
  1. Commonly asked questions - FAQs
Section 14 Summary and Next Steps
  1. Feedback and What's next?
