Booking options
On-Demand course
20 hours
About this training
This training course allows you to work alongside experienced teacher practitioners who guide you through how they have successfully planned and taught the WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering specification, how they have addressed issues and gained excellent performance from their learners.
You get a full year of access, live and recorded presentations and updates to the training on a regular basis with Q&A sessions. This includes presentations from industry professionals to assist you in keeping your sector knowledge up to date.
Training outcomes
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
● Analyse the specification for the WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering
● Plan and create schemes of work that meet the needs of all learners
● Plan and develop learning activities that create a high challenge classroom
● Develop and review a plan for practical skills development to meet the requirements of the specification
● Plan and prepare learners for coursework activities and the written examination
● Review and evaluate examples of schemes of work for learners with SEND
● Evaluate differentiation strategies and their use
Why this course is useful
The training will provide effective professional development by giving:
● Strategies for planning year 9 in preparation for WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering specification
● Guidance on how to approach options evenings, options choices and selling the course
● Strategies to inspire and motivate learners at the start of the course and setting boundaries and expectations, getting parents and the rest of the school on board
● Guidance on how to develop knowledge and practical skills side by side using exemplar lessons
● Guidance on setting homework, assessments and mock exams
● Advice on how to plan and develop a Year 10/11 scheme of work
● Advice on scheduling and organising NEA – issues and solutions
● Strategies and resources to support all abilities
● Ideas and resources for revision for the examination and strategies for approaching the paper
What training standards are met?
No.3 Teaching the curriculum
No.4 Managing practical food lessons
No.5 Teaching food preparation and nutrition
No.7 Promoting and applying nutrition
Standards are from the government framework: Food teaching in secondary schools: A framework of knowledge and skills