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Vegan High Level Skills (Teacher CPD and exam resources)

Vegan High Level Skills (Teacher CPD and exam resources)

Booking options




  • On-Demand course

  • 14 hours

  • All levels


About this course

This Vegan High Level Skills course provides teacher CPD and teaching resources to use in lessons. It is aimed at exam level courses (such as Hospitality and Catering L1-2 WJEC, GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition, NCFE Food and Cookery Technical Award).

Produced with support from Leith’s Cookery Academy, Pro-Veg UK, The Vegan Society and practising food teachers, such as Phillip Friend, this course is led by Food Teachers Centre Ambassador - Fiona Mather, and Founder - Louise Davies.

Why this course is useful

It is a six session on-line cooking course supported by videos, recipes and explainers. In addition, the course provides essential guidance, such as checklists for policy documents/school policies as veganism is a 'protected characteristic', key planning and teaching resources for KS4 exam courses and support for KS3. It aims to build your confidence to make sure that vegan students gain maximum marks using high skilled practical dishes, and that your non-vegan students are well equipped to choose dishes for NEA tasks focused on veganism, vegetarian or plant based diets.

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VHLS Knife vlcsnap-2023-06-30-17h14m22s049.png

What this course provides:

  • 6 Step by Step Recipe Videos: Vegan high level practical skills and recipes to meet exam requirements. These recipes have been produced with support from Leith’s Cookery Academy and focus on the detail of high level skills. Each video can be used in a variety of way with your students - for flipped learning, classroom demonstrations, one to one progression and home study.

  • Session 1: Vegan meringue and filling

  • Session 2: Vegan fresh pasta and fillings

  • Session 3 Vegan enriched doughs

  • Session 4 Vegan thickening and setting

  • Session 5 Vegan pastry

  • Session 6 Vegan cake making and decorating

  • 6 Explainer presentations: Each recipe is accompanied by an Explainer presentation, where we introduce the recipes and high level skills used (what it is, what ingredients are used and what needs to change to make it vegan) and the science behind it. How the vegan alternative recipe works and science for successful use of vegan alternatives. High level knife skills and knife cuts and vegan examples of where they might be used. High level dough skills - enriched doughs, pastries and handmade pastaHigh level meringue skillsHigh level cake making and decorationHigh level thickening and setting skillsUpskilling and adapting base recipes for task set/different scenariosNutritional content of the dishesWhat goes wrong and tips for success.

  • Essential Guidance: policy and planning documents to meet the needs and legal requirements of students who are vegan. Plus, meeting exam board requirements.

  • An overview of exam board defined high level skills and review of recipes that can be used, adapted or should be omitted.

  • The exam board requirements: clarity on skills and what signifies high grades.

  • A recipe bank (list of key recipes and vegan swaps that work with links to the full recipe on-line).

  • Example exam board tasks and supporting students preparing for and interpreting NEA.

  • Student voice and reviewing your scheme of work.

  • Planning and managing lessons where vegan students work alongside others.

  • Working with parents and sending information home. Inclusive language: Communication at options evenings and on your school website re your scheme of work.

  • Researching, upskilling recipes, and evaluating to gain marks in exams.

  • Useful sources of information, speakers and teaching content.

  • Having educated discussion and debates about food choices and where food comes from.

  • Should we all be working towards a more plant-based approach? What are the benefits?

VHLS Pasta vlcsnap-2023-07-01-22h05m42s767.png
VHLS Pavlova vlcsnap-2023-07-01-16h39m42s122.png

What training standards are met

STANDARDS ACCREDITED Food Teaching in Secondary Schools Framework

2.1 Use their expertise to support the whole school approach to food education.

3.1 Develop schemes of work that take into account current educational thinking, best practice, national policies and statutory requirements.

4.8 Allow pupils choice and personalisation of cooking activities.

5.2 Explain how and why food is cooked and the functional properties of ingredients.

8.1 Examine where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught, and processed, and consider sustainability and the impact of different choices on the environment.

8.3 Recognise the wide range of factors involved in food and drink choice.

Course Content

  1. Course Introduction
Session 1a: Aiming High (Vegan provision in school policy and exam courses)
  1. Aiming High - overview
  2. Inclusive School Food Policy (Vegan Society)
  3. School Case Study: Vegan Policy (Phillip Friend)
  4. Why should caterers include more plant-based food? (Pro-Veg UK)
Session 1b: Recipe - Vegan meringue and filling
  1. Practical: Aquafaba Pavlova, Mango and Passionfruit , Salted Caramel Sauce and Caramel Shards
  2. Explainer
Session 2a: Managing vegan inclusive lessons and school food
  1. Planning and managing lessons where vegan students work alongside others (Vegan Society)
  2. School Case Study - Managing students (Phillip Friend)
  3. Menu Planning (Pro-Veg UK)
Session 2b: Recipe - Vegan fresh pasta and filling
  1. Practical: Chickpea, Red onion and Rosemary Tortellini
  2. Explainer
Session 3a: From the student's point of view, managing exam tasks
  1. Example Awarding Organisation NEA assessment tasks
  2. School Case Study - Successfully Adapted dishes at KS4 (Phillip Friend)
  3. Example dishes - Pro-Veg UK
Session 3b: Vegan enriched doughs
  1. Practical: Chickpea Flatbreads and Vegan Mayonnaise
  2. Explainer
Session 4a: Useful resources for teaching
  1. Useful resources and sources of information
  2. School Case Study- Reviewing your scheme of work (Phillip Friend)
Session 4b: Recipe - Vegan thickening and setting
  1. Practical: Rhubarb Panna Cotta (Set Cream)
  2. Explainer
  3. Practical: Vegan Mayonnaise
  4. Explainer
Session 5a: Overcoming challenges
  1. Vegan Inclusive Communications (Vegan Society)
  2. School Plates: Popular dishes (Pro-Veg UK)
Session 5b: Recipe - Vegan pastry and filling
  1. Practical: Artichoke and Olive Tartlet
  2. Explainer
Session 6a: The wider debate
  1. Having educated discussions and debates about food choices and where food comes from
Session 6b: Recipe Vegan cake making and decorating
  1. Practical: Chocolate Cake, Cream and Honeycomb
  2. Explainer
Feedback and certificate of completion
  1. Over to you
  2. Feedback and Next steps
